Sunday 24 March 2013

AUD hop hurdles surge by Chinese Manufacturing PMI

          The AUD rallied against its American counterpart, USD as the turmoil in Cyprus and an encouraging China’s HSBC Flash Manufacturing at 51.7.

          As the turmoil in Cyprus made difficult times in Europe that represented AUD be the safe-haven for investors looking to park their money. So, the AUD broke through 104 US cents (i.e.) week end session at 104.26 US cents from previous close of 103.73 US cents. And the currency also gained against Euro.

          The ultimate HSBC Flash Manufacturing PMI of 51.7 sent the AUD on a rally from 1.0374 before the release to 1.0385 just minutes after. This was the second rally that the AUD has seen a rally in early March due to the announcements made by the RBA’s minutes.

          China is the Australia’s largest trading partner, as it showed a good sign in manufacturing PMI. Thus implied in the Australia’s commodities based economy and AUD would spectacle good rally.

          March 12 of this month, the AUD had hit its highest point against the GBP since February 1985. This mind blowing achievement had attained just because of the British economy felt recession. On the same day, the dollar bought at 99.5 Yen, its highest level since 2008.

          The AUD had spiked after jobs data, that the unemployment in Australia remained steady in February. The Australian Bureau of Statistics showed the total number of jobs in Australia increased and enrolled 71,500 jobs in that. The AUD sat at 103.07 US cents before the data release and jumped over half a US cent to 103.58. The unemployment rate remains steady at 5.4 percent.

          The Australian currency had little changed by U.S FED update that the U.S economy had improved there wouldn’t be an end to the central bank’s economic stimulus plans. And Cyprus Financial woes were no threat to the U.S economy. This helped the AUD hit its overnight high.

          Even all the benefits grab by AUD, its further rally continued most by the encouraging Chinese Manufacturing figures.

Friday 22 March 2013

American Economy scrapes up - An Outlook

          American Economy is mellowing in more confident about its own Financial and Economic Situations. A quicker pace on employment growth, decline in gasoline prices, well Forex treaties and modest wealth effects has likely padded up for the future expectations on the economy. Patrons views of the stance landscaped in March, the highest level of this year.

Jobless Claims

          Federals Reserve Bank (FED) sounded out that, fairish Economic growth has been pursuing this year while equated to the last. Improvements depicted in the case of Labor market but Jobless rate remains elevated.
          Obama’s job approval measures has fallen eight points since December, from 55% to 47 % comparable with George W. Bush (45%) and Bill Clinton (60%).

S&P 500 Rate

          Day before yesterday S&P Rate tided up to a percent of 130 shriller than since 2009, again climbed up with 7 points of its records, reached in 2007. All Ten S&P 500 groups fell today, as raw materials and technology companies dropped the most, sinking at least 1.2%.

          Euro-area services and manufacturing outputs contractile more than the economists estimated in March, adding to signs the currency bloc’s economy is skinning to egress from a recession. The S&P 500 fell 0.6% in line with the 30-day average during this time of day.

Currencies and Commodities substitutions

          Last week Dollar gains 5.89% against Euro, reaches the level of December 2012.While the Pound gains about 0.5 % this week. The cost of gallon of regular gasoline averaged $3.69 on day before yesterday, down from 2.64% on February

          Fed policy makers decided to continue buying securities at a pace of $85 billion a month to outgrowth growth and further reduce unemployment.

Queer Economy manipulates CAD Foreseeable

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Canada’s largest bank forecasted that Canadian economy may do outperforms in their next two years yet the Canadian Dollars won’t spectacles such hope.

The RBC is planning to uplift the growth rates of 1.8%, 2.9% for 2013 and 2014 respectively, which is better than the consensus estimated from Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaberty, published on 21 of this month.

Retail sales, manufacturing sales and whole sales are the major events this week. This Tuesday, Canadian Manufacturing Sector released 3.1% which indicates a dull activity. Economists expect a mild decline of 0.4% and a gain of 0.5%. On the same day, Canadian Wholesale Trade contracted more than they anticipated in December. They predicted 0.4% but it devolved around 0.9%. Retail sales plunged upon 2.1% i.e. 38.62 billion Canadian Dollars, the biggest decline since April 2010. Anyway Retail Sales are expected to rise 0.6% which predicts 0.4% as gain.

Canadian Dollar seems to be always parity over U.S Dollar. The CAD fluctuated as gaining’s for the last three days, after the declaration that Canada and U.S created more jobs than all expects. Canada created 50,700 jobs whereas U.S created 236,000 jobs which make the unemployment rates lower.

Canada’s inflation remains low, the Bank of Canada shifts to a neutral bias and kept their interest rates at low record. The reduced Bank of Canada interest rate increased the demand for Canadian Financial assets and may led the CAD to the below parity level compared to  USD.
U.S is the Canada’s largest trade partner. If the U.S economy recovers at a faster pace, Canada could also benefits from the strengthening of its biggest importer. By expecting more jobs, Unemployment rate tend to attain below seven percent by the end of this year.

 The Canadian dollar is likely to ride on an excellent jobs report. 1.6 percent growth rate, unemployment rate and trading partner, Loonie’s manipulates it to be as bullish.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Japan Trades ease on Yen value
The Yen persisted lower against most peers in Forex speculation. To enhance, BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda will deliver a shift in monetary policy.
  Kuroda’s first conference since becoming head of the Central bank yesterday, he would talk about the monetary policy. New Zealand and China are the biggest trading partners for Japan. So, there will be some impact by the New Zealand’s dollar advanced against its major peers.
           BOJ continue policy easing retain pressure over the Yen to weaken, suggested by a strategist from Japan’s third largest bank by market value. BOJ need hurdles for the Yen will move toward 100 to the Dollar.

The Yen traded 0.8 percent low since August 2009. The Yen traded at 95.96 per dollar. If it will reach 96.71, surely mark as weakest since 2009. Thus shows Yen has fallen 19 percent against the Dollar for the past six months. This happened due to expectations of additional easing by the new BOJ leadership.

In Kuroda’s pledge, that he does whatever is needed to end deflation and has implied to achieve 2 percent inflation target. Losses in the Yen were limited after a government report showed Japan’s trade shortage narrowed more than expected.

The shortages eased to 777.5 billion Yen from 1.6 trillion Yen, the Ministry of Finance said today. The trade shortage being narrower surely gives Yen to rise. But Mizuho Trust’s Nakano expect Japan to sustain in deficit for a while that might be the reason for the Yen to weaken.

Mostly, the rate is calculated based on the value of Japan’s trade with other countries. BOJ faced Yen rate fell to 83.1 per dollar in February 2013. To rebound its rate Japan need to enhance the trading with other countries.

Japan’s most trading partners China and New Zealand are supported to raise currency value of Yen. Because, the Chinese manufacturing growth accelerated more than predicted and New Zealand dollar raised 0.6 percent to 82.71 U.S cents meanwhile gained 0.5 percent to 79.37 Yen.

Due to Japan’s trade, Kuroda will announce a change in monetary policy. That helps to rebound Yen in its value.


Budget strategies & QE unitedly waives out UK economy

       The members of the Bank of England’s rate-setting commission persists exclusive over whether to interpose more stimulus money into the UK economy, minutes of its March meeting have revealed. It’s alleged that the Budget report may alter the Bank remit.

          Accordant to Budget Reports, the Bank may give more exemption in targeting Economic Growth, excludes its underway core pore on insuring inflation. In other words, the Bank of England (BOE) monetary policy Committee had been given an updated broader remit, but keeps its 2% inflation target.

Quantitative Easing (QE)

          The BOE so far committed a total of 375B Euro’s to QE, while in Sep, the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) said it would drop a foster 25B Euro’s per month. FED topped as it puts $2.3T QE since 2008.

          Sir Mervyn King (Governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the Monetary Policy) endorsed more sue in February to fillip the amount of QE purchases above 375B Euro’s but was outvoted by his colleagues.
QE miscarried again

          After a month, yesterday Mervyn King was again defeated on expanding the QE purchases. Policy makers reckoned that the stimulus could lead to inflation outlooks may drift upwards. It may also take to an inexcusable depreciation of Pound if it was amiss.

          BOE finally concluded all members had seen their merits in each set of their arguments, but drew different conclusions about inflation, outputs and in employment opportunities.

Pound Declines

          Pound declared as the second worst performer in the current year among the 10 developed countries, dropped about 5.01% against EUR as well as 6.78% against Dollars.

          GDP of UK grown by just 0.6 % this year, in spite of 1.2% which was the report issued by Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).  Jobless rate held at 7.8%. The number of young people aged 16-24 without a job rose to 993,000 over the three months, taking the youth unemployment rate to 21.2%